Wednesday, January 18, 2012

7 Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Morning! It was one of those mornings...too little sleep the night before, woke up way too early, and had to leave by 7am. It started when I opened the front door to peek at the weather and Scooby, decided to take himself for a leash, cars leaving for work, black ice to slip on, 34 degrees.. you get it...the adrenaline impossible things before breakfast..
1) Capture Scooby (no coat)
2) Convince him that the house was the happiest place on Earth and he should be INSIDE! Guiding him by his collar and trying NOT to slip.
3) Repair my daughter's coffee pot handle with a butter knife
4) Fix lock so kids can use their key again to get in before I get home from work...(vegetable spray and some jiggling )
5) Get the CD player to work so I could play it at school.(next kitchen tool:the spatula,plastic of plays)
6) Button cracked as husband was getting ready (quickly sewn and pret a porter!)
7) Fix wheel on trash can so it rolls out easily. (hello butter knife)

Once inside look who fell asleep!
 Thats it! I ate my oatmeal and left. That was my morning and I arrived to work by 7:30, on time.
 We women are amazing creatures..accomplishing so much and rolling with it! What did your day hold? Post


  1. Your doggie is adorable, I remember when we had several years ago a German shepperd and he was so strong I could hardly pull him anywhere! Thanks for the oil spray, it's great idea for noisy doors! I will try it today on my kitchen swing door. Thank you for your lovely visit, I really appreciated.

  2. This post made me laugh! So funny. Scooby is such a character.

  3. Who says women can't fix things? All we need is a butter knife and a spatula! HAAAA! Really glad you didn't break a leg on the ice though!


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